12 مستوي للغة العربية
12 مستوي للقرآن
Welcome to Janna Weekend Program

AsSalamu Alaikom & Welcome to Janna Weekend Program (JWP)
Janna Weekend Program (JWP) is a weekend Islamic program run by The Islamic Cultural Center of Toronto, specifically designed for Canadian Muslim children ages 3.7-16 .

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ليس كافيًا أن تحب المعلمة الطفل . فعليها أن تحب وأن تفهم الكون أولا ثم أن تعد نفسها، وأن تعمل على ذلك بجدِ
“It is not enough for the teacher to love the child. She must first love and understand the universe. She must prepare herself, and truly work at it.”
-Maria Montessori
Happy Parents

M Soubhi Rihawi 2022
بارك الله فيكم على مجهودكم الرائع

Firas Mahasen 2022
"البرنامج روعة، التدريس ممتاز، فيه شدة وجدية وبنفس الوقت مرح واهتمام. المعلمات ممتازين والادارة بتتابع تطور الاولاد
Janna program is well created and teachers are amazing in providing the best in class Arabic & Quran teaching."

Nada Ghoneim 2022
"The programs are very rich, and well planned to truly immerse our children in a great learning experience of our religion, culture, language and identity. There is a lot of investment and dedication from the creators and educators of this program! It's so wonderful hearing my daughter tell me how much she has learnt over the past 2 years with Jannah."

Alaa Ahmed 2022
"My children extremely enjoyed Janna program online, although we have had a bit of trouble with the time difference between Canada and Dubai. We tried our best to come online for this year as an adjustment since we moved to Dubai. The girls are always excited to participate in their engaging classrooms. The class sizes are just the right amount as it keeps the child engaged and constantly taking turns. We will do our best for next year to be more consistent in our classes as we have always been."

Mai Mostafa 2022
"JWP helped my children learn a lot about Islam and the Holy Quran. The teaching methods kept them so motivated to participate in the Camp-Islam lectures and do their assignments, especially when it comes to prophets' stories and the lessons learnt from them. The teachers work hard and patiently to teach the Arabic language to the children, and they usually motivate them with online badges and prizes to encourage them study and do their work. Thanks Janna program and may Allah bless you!"

Heba Elsonbaty 2022
"My daughter has learned so much from the Janna online program, this is our 3rd semester and her Arabic, reading and written, and Quran skills have improved in a noticeable way Alhamd-Allah. Her teachers have been great, curriculum and material are excellent, technology is easy to use. Thank you for all the efforts to make this program a successful one."

Hiba Al Shafie 2022
"I am very happy with MyJanna program including learning material, teachers, and communication with both kids and parents. - - The amount of focus the teacher give to each kid individually is phenomenal. They implement games and stars gamification is helpful because it encourage the child to do the homework and participate during the session. As parents, we continuously receive calls from the management to update us on our children performance and progress.
I highly recommend MyJanna if you are looking for a credible Arabic & Quran teaching 👍"

Amira Younis 2022
"We have been a part of Janna for 7 years now, and have experienced its transition from in-person to online learning. Not only was the program wonderful when we were together in the building, but it continues to be exceptional online as well. Janna offers a comprehensive Arabic, Quran, and Islamic Studies program geared specifically for students growing up here in Canada. The teachers are qualified and friendly, and the online platform is fun and engaging! My daughter is immersed in the learning and continues to gain the confidence to be a proud Muslim growing up in Canada. Thank you to Janna for providing us with this opportunity!"

Mona Ruby 2022
"JWP added great value to my kids , we have in this school for 8 years now. My kids gained strong and informative knowledge so far. Maggie Amin ( the school manager ) is supportive and takes care of all details. Thank you JWP family."

Alshaimaa Hammouda 2022
"My daughter loves Janna. She likes reading in Arabic every time which improved her reading. The class size is perfect 👍"

Mariam Mostafa 2022
"The curriculum is very adequate. Teachers are supportive and responsive. Thanks for all your efforts!"

Nudar Al Nakechbandi 2022
"The program has great value. My children have been learning so much important and new information. The online programs are efficient and engaging and they are always updated. The curriculum is excellent and it’s connected to Islam. Which is a huge benefit. All in all I really recommend Janna School. Thank you everyone for your hard work. Jazaakum Allah Kheir."

Nada Wadi 2022
"Best Arabic and religion school out there. I can definitely see the change and positive outcome in my kids. Thank you for all that you do 🙏"

Dina Taha 2022
"We are very thankful for JWP in our lives. It's keeping us in touch with our roots and is helping us as parents commit to teaching our kids Arabic, Quran and religion."

Basant Farid 2022
"Mashallah the Janna program has helped our daughter tremendously. She has come a long way in reading Arabic and more importantly with her Quran memorization. My youngest daughter is still too young but when she is of age, she will be joining her sister In the program. Maggie and her group of teachers do a great job engaging the kids ensuring everyone learns and gets the best Arabic and religious education to support the teachings of parents at home. Can’t wait to get the kids back in person every Sunday"

Ghada Ibrahim 2022
"مدرسه جنه من افضل المدارس التي تعاملت معها، الاداره و المدرسات علي أفضل مستوي، منهج العربي والقرآن رائع وابني استفاد منهم كثيرا"

Batool Abousaleh 2022
"شكرا علي مجهوداتكم و العمل علي تقويه مستوي الطلاب في القراءة و الكتابه و القواعد الدينية و القرآن"

Inas Shraim 2022
"My Janna program is amazing regarding the curriculum, teaching methods, ideas and teachers are wonderful , I am so grateful that my daughter is joining them."

Ghada Hedaia 2022
"We are proud and lucky to have someone like you. ربنا يجازيك خير عن اولادنا وينفع بك الاسلام والمسلمين"

Dalia Darwish 2022
"Great program made a huge difference to my daughter!"

Mai El Banna 2022
"Janna weekend program is teaching my daughter Arabic and Islamic religion using fun and interesting methods. They have small class size, children progress is closely monitored and they always keep updating their program. I highly recommend it! Great job Maggie and her team!"

Iman Abdelwahhab 2021
“An excellent curriculum taught by amazing teachers is the key to JWP’s success. I can see the development of my kids’ skills in Arabic and Quran every year. The Islamic lectures of CampIslam and MiniMuslim have a profound effect on them both spiritually and in everyday life skills. JWP has definitely made our job of raising our children so much easier! Kudos for all the teachers and administrators who have done an amazing job this year during the online teaching. ”

Ahmed Younis 2021
“My daughter has come such a long way in her knowledge of the Quran and Islam in general in her first two years in the now program She has memorized so many surrah’s and looks forward to her mini Muslim class every Sunday! She strives to be a better Muslim and often requests to share her recitation of the Quran she has learned. The hour of mini Muslim is also great for my daughter. She is so attentive and loves to participate and always shares with my wife and I the stories that she learned during the class. A huge thank you goes out to all the organizers and teachers for all the hard work and dedication you demonstrate week in and week out to help educate our new generation of young Muslims. ”

Malikah Ahmed 2021
“The curriculum, professional teachers, learning interface and general environment of Jannah are beyond amazing. The effort invested in JWP by the founder and staff can clearly be seen. I honestly want to thank you all for this great platform that has engaged my daughter in learning our language, heritage and religion through Arabic and Quran. Jannah has impressively helped her read Arabic much more fluently through Nuraniyah and foster the manners of Islam through Minimuslim. ”